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While this artist appears to have modeled their style after Hiten's and Kantoku's, I'm not sure how much I can fully appreciate their work when they appear to have a history of copying/tracing the latter's work (heck, the source post is even pointed back to—and it's not the only one), even going as far as to apparently using one of Hiten's pieces outright as their header on their pixiv page (at least, it's very difficult to tell whether it's a trace or not).

I can understand tracing as a way to improve your skills (and they are upfront about them being "reproductions"), and they do have some nice-looking and (presumably) non-copied work, but a chunk of their portfolio feels like it pushes the boundary. This particular piece looks fine—which has Hiten's influences, but appears to be their own, original work—yet, it becomes hard to completely trust whether you are seeing their actual true work or someone else's.
TheGoldenStag said:
While this artist appears to have modeled their style after Hiten's and Kantoku's, I'm not sure how much I can fully appreciate their work when they appear to have a history of copying/tracing the latter's work (heck, the source post is even pointed back to—and it's not the only one), even going as far as to apparently using one of Hiten's pieces outright as their header on their pixiv page (at least, it's very difficult to tell whether it's a trace or not).

I can understand tracing as a way to improve your skills (and they are upfront about them being "reproductions"), and they do have some nice-looking and (presumably) non-copied work, but a chunk of their portfolio feels like it pushes the boundary. This particular piece looks fine—which has Hiten's influences, but appears to be their own, original work—yet, it becomes hard to completely trust whether you are seeing their actual true work or someone else's.
We don't accept tracing works here (maybe except some of the vectorized works? If their creators don't claim they're their own works). If you discover any works by this "artist" uploaded here are actaully traced from other REAL artists' works, feel free to flag them for deletion (and provide the source of the genuine version, too).