
landscape oban_star-racers

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Hepburn. In a tag. Can I ask what the point of that is? It's not searchable unless you specifically open the charmap and select the stupid macron'd character, just searching for 'oban*' yields no results for obvious reasons. If someone actually tried searching for this, they'd probably not get far.
It probably doesn't apply to these images since who is likely to be searching for them? More or less no one. But start tagging stuff with hepburn that people DO search for and you're basically removing ease of use from the tag system and making it unnecessarily hard for people to use the site.
Yes, I hate macrons with a passion, but in this case my personal feelings on the matter are irrelevant, it's just a stupid idea using macrons for tags.
+1 hepburn sucks.

In b4 shitstorm.
copypasta from the entry at Wikipedia.

If you don't like it, then change it.
I've just gone ahead and changed it. I would have been hunted down by a angry mob if I hadn't.
It's the official romanization, judging from

If you're going to drop the macron, it should probably be "ooban" ...
It's a double o is it? See, this is what annoys me about hepburn, I'd have thought it'd be ou, but there's really no way to tell unless you're farmiliar with the source material already. It sucks even more because hepburn is taught in japanese schools now too, so not only is it being used here, they're using it everywhere too.


Radioactive said:
I've just gone ahead and changed it. I would have been hunted down by a angry mob if I hadn't.
Only just avoided the pitchforks there ;) Next time it'll be flaming torches too, an event for all the family! :D
petopeto said:
If you're going to drop the macron, it should probably be "ooban" ...
Unless there is a pressing reason I'll leave it as oban. People are more likely to use that as a search term.

Radiosity said:
Only just avoided the pitchforks there ;) Next time it'll be flaming torches too, an event for all the family! :D
And I have no nearby old mills to hide in.
Radiosity said:
It's a double o is it? See, this is what annoys me about hepburn, I'd have thought it'd be ou, but there's really no way to tell unless you're farmiliar with the source material already. It sucks even more because hepburn is taught in japanese schools now too, so not only is it being used here, they're using it everywhere too.
That has nothing to do with Hepburn. All of the major "standard" systems lose that. You also couldn't tell that it's オーバン and not おうばん.

You can't tell how to write words from romanization. No matter whether you see shoujo, shōjo or syôjo, you can't tell how it's written: 少女.