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- ? sonora 126
- ? niro 631
- ? boku no mirai wa koi to kakin to. ~charge to the future~ 70
- ? wataya azusa 25
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- Id: 521492
- Posted: over 5 years ago by hrdy
- Size: 3157x2232
- Rating: Questionable
- Score: 523
- Favorited by: Anal_General, Cyclophiops, ra1n3, Trashbag, red1188, esaar, qp236237, MrWay, Evilwind, Jennyclarke37, liuanqi1992, y1161330931, 这里不存在的微热可乐, bigbanana2000, friendlyannon, Cyrillic, richardbilly, wxmzm, Sagoti, 心之所向, adeemo, Kota_tachiecowa, ACG2517, Requiem96, chenmingze, moncreptor, automachinehead, QBT_Ajite, beat5500, hahalo, ArthurDragoneel, speed1, Dhuyvodoi, Krisand, Yellowwait, ksg.otto, okzy520, yunlan, eaglestar42, id522, __yuy78__, Ch1k#R4, Celestium, 3189753307, zero1205l, 梦魇, MaHiSur16, Skrrt, 1313T, Hentailover100, magigood, daophilac, intensez, Queen_Bitch, aknn, mingrifuxiao, Despacito2confirmed, T1esh1ne, Hexenkessel, Sigal, AnimeFan18, Busterwu, Sir.Lancelot, Destructodoom, grimmm, 6687708, 8537722, bapesanity, kianasama, 1619450746, alili, 99night, Bakdauren, MichiMouse5, GOODcx, Smisiw, Alax, 73737, 3066898732, Taro_Kizaki, peko11, wenxc, Jamesl2h, wzooxx, fluoromethane, 3.14zdec[RUS], MonkeyKong, HanamoriYuki, addaaddaaaaa, kamie, GoldoExperience, lurww, wl29561576, Dem1Nudel, eiz, h2oaaaa, eccdbb, mmnekuo, hotcold90000, KHSG, zljk0ll, slowloris, teyula, Koroyuki, datjuanguy, 羽轩, Gessflog, yukino3, Vinterus, rollorollo, 崔亚丁, ywwuyi123, FCal, 纯白型罗艾娜, 3440261146, hikoaki, JINJ, snoopywhitefeet, elisein, nanliyu, Zenex, yanbochen, zhcm, R1ku, RX186706, luohaizeiwang, iceyrayeelaina, 维Cc, Lykuic, thethe, 幻蓝梦紫, d5yin5yin, DigitalKarate12, lightofsky, Kuaikuai27, TheCoolFool, zmtxwd, unknown171, railannad, AngryPsycho, lzw123456, xonazeng, 少年枫, JacksonLiu, Tadax, Leafo, czc, 一世风华, gfs1234, LINXIWUYUAN, 1822673033, sth2233, lbighwellt, MLF, 葫芦里卖妹汁, mlq-rq, Rambo99, iAqueous, kelvin59, rasiel, wwwlll, 18133, wizardt, iwannabeagirl, khanled, 1162562943, Kirey20, kasuie, nonameyup, chuakahon, kami丨angel, wortex33, heyned, Shimmermo, HibikiKoume!, a709968467, miku827, 秋月愛莉, cmjcherly, silversouler, luowen, Experimentai, stereomanlove, Ansy, 汐水夜寒, qwertyuiop01234, coolkid008, admindy, 白夜待晓, FengZi_RE, shKonnoYuukii, eventore, magicalbeans, konpu, 不愿意透露姓名的我, Diooooooo, amity, CreeperSmile, moonlightcheetah, logoist, unitedjoker, Penghuaxing, Gentleman, Lefttt, 虚伪诠释, victorhuy, F-Rain, adye, AyaseMitsukasa, Maz1300, caoqimina, makiechang, 风岚炽, 1245835022, hsyny, ytg, accslo, being233333, shnam1201, smishe, cfdaxia, 幻宇翔空, SakuraFrost, LeiIN, 爱阴湿毯, YFERTRH, Tamanori, wufei, hachroku, liuxingjian007, pikagkw, Kalessin, sinex, misterlagosta, spicey, simona5566, Donn73, lxtyuz, training, 账号已注销000, Veljkisa, 矢澤にこ, passer, 2469848300, 七原冬雪, CountRidiculous, kiris5, Iseke, Kickaha, Rem., hitmanzmj, Desxse, fancy_yuechen, HOF、Wang, V1046S, qwer2908394, Lynxal, Keai, 737, 染指红颜笑, tung121129, 2315310015, smks, 3dhgame, avokaado, CoyoteMister,, 1831125087, Sakuraaaaa, iaj123, rockmanx2, 李王马, Mördare, seebox, XperiaPrime, porgy, Hainiu, anhuoheiyan, cassiejn, neet_kaguya, reanaara, 性盛致灾割以永治, virgily, Sonike, MtGiri, ktsnnet, nonps, yundan, higikiko, 東風谷早苗, a986941312, bjim492, 948969611, tianlanshiye, Cyber454, ianian, 898051740, 暗涌长夜, hjh1997, 咸鱼一条, AMD250, 卡萌杰尔, Kank, Heavymarco, SakuraRin, 黑夜芙兰, chuanlinl, xunxuns, Mr.Xing1993, 地平线的引路人, luochen, mk18, snake1234, Myosotis2333, Ulquiorra93, lbz520, liu1986, beauty, konkom, alexopp, tooyoung, gouki02, Shiruko, RedEdge, verita, gepao, ghost128, 993348090, Devil-JIN, withul, Etrema, qaz110wsx110, AABenz, Aleax, ProStickman, Outviewer, zxdemm, Lord_Fatum, dfr1997, Itachi5013, clx, lazymushi, darker14, meow999, fhjn, 梓喵, MODU, Relow, aikaimolie, kkkrito, scdxx, FLANMINI, Padalshic, Yuichan, 黑白世界, qq2580003939, AN1FREAK, peakpig, SongoPl, more11111, SubZeroInmortal, 穹蒼zzz, OscarKiraAlas, rokiseed, Angel5281300, lzczc, V..., poehalcho, 锦绣小色, Muutaras, Guerrilla, zhazero7, 库特, kitfisto, Hentaimeister69, qingxinyuyue, r0dr0, DistantFeeling, Nayora, Amora, Qpax, chlebekk, Akseru, Xetrill, 20A0, ex0000, ctrl450, pro0812, Tomash, tahuaguiqu, blood090, HNFCorp, Caren_Hortensia, Kengsokmok, stealhearts, nulltest, vspxjo2004-7, Kawaiideath, Ariae, ShirUshI, CTyDeHT, hira390, heitaixx, golden123, Star-Wire, ptc666ck, Mekdra, x132321, Akira97, ZJL, llFreedoMll, Dongxiwen, chin7777777, reiryou_tachi, djc, zkipsair, rkdwlgns, CL-L, qw6323137, blbl, ghostpain, F.L.V., ryuokyo06, jindckee, wintercee, AspenExcel, steamstar, ghostcrying,, jeff001209, azure4488, lieat, Eroubf, 2087721266, Zandall, esildan, videinfra, Healeffect, kedio, h2so4cuso4, 桃花庵の桃花, DCornet, SeeThrough, bika, kobayaxi, jimmy123321, fegoria, robertcheng, chanjoker, 筆記本, Sakurazaki, ifoubj, yuzumoe, kuroko34278, petak11, 血魔弑天, 18jinjinjin, CI, herrcher, mash, bhpp, bruce1991, coldx3, Omega87, strezzel, marciclook, yamatomato, fairyren, yokaze_L, n42386, 2232770808, mikudayo, 麻里子, DEVOTE.DEMAGE, sabersaikou,, SoraX, sksina (472 more)
over 5 years agoedogawaconan
over 5 years agoOr at least that's what I think what's happened here.
over 5 years agoCheckmate
over 5 years agoThank you for your finding. We are still trying to figure out a proper way to export these but I guess I shouldn't have uploaded the pdf >_> and let the amateur have it their way. Ah well, once I have the proper export, I'll clean them all up.
over 5 years agoTwinsenzw
over 5 years agoCheckmate
over 5 years agoLet's keep calm and don't start uploading those digitals like mad yet.
But that means my rips of the previous Cube game is borked. Pool #5370
over 5 years agoThe majority of the color images will be in DCT format.
You can use `pdfimages -raw` to dump them losslessly (they're in CMYK).
But for these ebooks, the color is somehow inverted if you dump the raw using PDFImages. Not sure if it's a bug of that tool, since PS doesn't have this problem (but PS can't dump them, just open).
Anyway, I have to process them at least once to get the correct color. But since I will convert them to RGB anyway, it doesn't bother me. Just make sure to save as PNG/BMP later to prevent introducing new artifact (but of course, the high compression ratio is lost in process.)
Some other notes:
1) Acrobat will export *pages* instead of images. This may or may not be what you want. You can use `pdfimages` as mentioned above, or Photoshop to extract image resources directly. I prefer the latter since it may have better size/less text etc. See post #521695
2) When converting to RGB, make sure use "Japan Color 2001 Coated" profile (set it first in Acrobat and/or Photoshop.) I've compared with numerous official RGB source to confirm that this is what the industry use.
If you choose to use Acrobat like Twins, you can directly export pages as RGB in process (there is an option). So you don't need to convert it in PS.
Also, Acrobat claims it can extract DCT image without re-compression if and only if the whole page is just one image. Which is NOT the case here (these ebooks are either have multiple images as resource on each, or have *two* images on each page). So this function won't work here, if you export to JPEG, they will be recompressed.
over 5 years agoI think we have to compromise here, eventually when digital file is getting popular
over 5 years ago