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What is this even doing on ?
Perksen said:
What is this even doing on ?
I like it :) aren't there other neko pics aswell on yande or am i wrong?^^
There are other sites more appropriate for this.
drfeelgood said:
I like it :) aren't there other neko pics aswell on yande or am i wrong?^^
There are, but usually in a more anime context. It's a well done picture, but not quite the right style for
Radioactive said:
There are other sites more appropriate for this.
Excuse me, what other websites are there for you to send?
Beloved.蕾姆 said:
Excuse me, what other websites are there for you to send?
Anywhere other than here.
Saying that, i did upload way, way, back.

Still, uploading realistic animal-only pics is a dangerous precedent.