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I'm getting very bored with this artist.
I don't understand why all those drawings stay here in first place, i try to never comment things negative like this but seriously, all they drawing look bad to me and looks like he/she do too many of them in short time for easy money
Nepcoheart said:
easy money
There it is
Radioactive said:
I'm getting very bored with this artist.
then why do you bother to look at their art, just go away lmfao
latias420 said:
then why do you bother to look at their art, just go away lmfao
Because we need to check the quality of their artwork. Maybe one day they may start being a little more original, but it's so 'samey' at the moment that it's tiresome to look at.
latias420 said:
then why do you bother to look at their art, just go away lmfao
Well how else are you supposed to judge art? Criticisms (proper ones) can improve their work once they know from different perspectives / opinions.

As for site quality, we need judgements or else it'll turn to a horrible site (like that Rule 34 booru I saw long ago in my opinion. My OCD levels went off visiting that place).
Users have the option to block unwanted artists and fetishes, not so much's curators.