This post was deleted. Reason: Poor image quality. MD5: f594e7044296f1317ebf38377eccc33c

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Are these official wallpapers? Quality is...lacking...
Radioactive said:
Are these official wallpapers? Quality is...lacking...
Yes, they are.
Because this is upscaled. Original image only 600 x 388.
omega8719 said:
Because this is upscaled. Original image only 600 x 388.
Oh, that's very bad (Much like the anime)
Since they're so bad in image quality I don't think we should keep them even if they're official. Not like these illustrations are great to begin with. Opinions?
fireattack said:
Since they're so bad in image quality I don't think we should keep them even if they're official. Not like these illustrations are great to begin with. Opinions?
Just remove it.
fireattack said:
Since they're so bad in image quality I don't think we should keep them even if they're official. Not like these illustrations are great to begin with. Opinions?
Nuke them.
purged the bad ones, left with two or three ones that are not obviously upscaled.