
extreme_content ichihaya loli naked nipples pussy pussy_juice uncensored

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Ok now, why is this on this site?
ZankaNoTachi2 said:
Ok now, why is this on this site?
extreme content
Why was the photoshop tag added? If it's not linked to the original image, I wish the tagger would add a comment.
It's premium content, and it's not photoshopped
It's acceptable. I just wouldn't look too deeply into extreme_content
there has to be a tag for this content, the tag "extreme content" is to vague
Hermes666 said:
there has to be a tag for this content, the tag "extreme content" is to vague
Looks like you didn't read that wiki entry at all:
Any depiction of mutilation, bodily distension, feces, or bodies that are far outside the realm of normal human proportion.
So no new tag is needed for this.
I seriously wouldn't call this as extreme as gore for example.
I'm not saying this isn't extreme content, just that it's perfectly fine under that tag.
You have to understand how old our site is. Back in its infancy, this was seen by the admin/users as extreme content.

Most stuff doesn't bother me nowadays.
I personally agree and think we should add "scat" tag. We even have "blood" after all, I think the number of people that want to blacklist scat would be higher than that.
Feel free to tag those scat images fireattack, but make sure you update the wiki for extreme_content

Being a mod is such a fun job.
fireattack said:
It's premium content, and it's not photoshopped
this is not premium you sick fuck lmao
murkyrickwubadub said:
this is not premium you sick fuck lmao
Did you just call a mod a sick fuck?
murkyrickwubadub said:
this is not premium you sick fuck lmao
You're not one to decide that, kiddo.
It is pretty good for people into that fetish, I'd imagine, and it's tagged extreme content for a reason, so no point in getting upset about it.
this is beautiful, dont flag it anymore please.