
ass bikini loli megane oasis+ piyodera_mucha pregnant swimsuits usashiro_mani wet

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The girl on the right looks like she is pregnant…
I doubt she only "looks" pregnant...
TheUnspoken said:
I doubt she only "looks" pregnant...
And I thought I was done adding combos to my loli blacklist. How naive of me.
Lirsoas said:
And I thought I was done adding combos to my loli blacklist. How naive of me.
I don't see any reason, but why not just blacklist loli if that's the case?
TheUnspoken said:
I don't see any reason
There are plenty of reasons to find most loli posts to be fairly disturbing at best, which I do.

TheUnspoken said:
But why not just blacklist loli if that's the case?
Because I also understand that "(nearly) nude kid" content does not always and absolutely imply "deplorable garbage". So, instead of doing a sweeping block, I have (and try to) come up with tag combos that filter out only the posts that I really can't stomach, while allowing the stuff that's below my tolerance threshold that may also be artful enough (of which I've even liked/faved a few posts here and there).

For instance, post #535127 is fine in my book; that one is actually rather nice and cute. Post #534532? Passable. Post #525279 and above? Fuck off.

What prompted me to write my previous comment was being caught off-guard by the sight of a pregnant little girl. I was convinced that my blacklist was 100% comprehensive but alas, it wasn't; I wouldn't have ever though of that one. And as if that wasn't enough, I also ran into this one while looking up the examples I linked above. xD

I'm still a bit of a hypocrite though since whenever I find a post that I don't like during any of my tagging fits, I stay around it anyway until I'm done tagging it. :p
I get your point and how you operate. I'd still suggest blacklisting loli tag, since it only applies to non-safe pictures, but if you don't mind giving yourself a headache that much, guess it's up to you :)
TheUnspoken said:
I get your point and how you operate. I'd still suggest blacklisting loli tag, since it only applies to non-safe pictures, but if you don't mind giving yourself a headache that much, guess it's up to you :)
It's all right. It had been several years since I last got a loli-headache like the one this post gave me, meaning my current filters do work for the most part. Besides, I think my current approach is more consistent with my views on freedom of speech, nuancing, etc., but that's a rant for another place and time. :)

Thanks for the suggestion!
I flipping love this UwU! Can I use this as my Profile Picture, pwetty pwease!
I don't get how it can be "loli" and "pregnant" at the same time.

Isn't "loli" a pre-teen that shouldn't be able to be pregnant to begin with?

I would normally google that but I fear the FBI would knock knock at my door the next day.
Marona762 said:
I don't get how it can be "loli" and "pregnant" at the same time.

Isn't "loli" a pre-teen that shouldn't be able to be pregnant to begin with?

I would normally google that but I fear the FBI would knock knock at my door the next day.
What are you so scared of? It's not like you're looking up porn ffs.
By the way, while the definition is the topic of many heated discussion, usually the loli refers to a body build which is child-like to some extent, usually ranges from pre-pubescent to early/mid pubescent builds. So I'd say the builds anywhere from age 6-14.
These girls look around 8-10, where it's possible (even if unlikely) they can get pregnant, but since this is anime logic, everything is possible - in hentai little boys of same apparent age already cum buckets, where semen production starts 1-2 years later on average for boys than a girl can get pregnant.

Trivia for you: the youngest documented mother got pregnant at the age of 3 IRL.
LovelyLoli said:
I flipping love this UwU! Can I use this as my Profile Picture, pwetty pwease!
No personal pools please.