
dandon_fuga mario_bros. naked nipples pussy rosalina thighhighs uncensored

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Meh, this author does a lot of nice pictures but he doesn't seem really able to capture the petite nature of some character's bodies, it drawn everything very more mature-ish than their original design.

Seriously, you could edit out this character's face(and it's accessories including the yellow star thing)and nobody could guess who she is.
It's a typical sign of a Patreon artist.
Yep, mostly because of Sakimichan's influence.
Marona762 said:
Seriously, you could edit out this character's face(and it's accessories including the yellow star thing)and nobody could guess who she is.
If you remove the face, characteristic accessories and traits off of digital characters, most of them would be unrecognizable though. Take Haruhi Suzumiya as an example; if you remove her hair ribbon, many people would have trouble to recognize her. Take a look at post #95114 as an example. Read JASH's comment.

animeprincess said:
Yep, mostly because of Sakimichan's influence.
This one is actually better than Sakimichan's. I personally don't like her works, because she draws the bodies too deformed, IMO, specially the hips and thighs; also she doesn't draw vaginas well. I like more realistic bodies, like nudtawut thongmai's. Although this one is larger than it should realistically be, it's still better than Sakimichan's.