
cona_kinaco seifuku

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uuh that symbol oh her left arm..i know its from some special force from ww2 germany
SeeThrough said:
uuh that symbol oh her left arm..i know its from some special force from ww2 germany
Not sure if the artist knows what it actually represents...
They like the design. It's their own SS brand, has nothing to do with racism...honest.
Genex said:
They like the design. It's their own SS brand, has nothing to do with racism...honest.
To those countries/organizations that banned that symbol, whether that team's logo is intended or not is irrelevant. Which means (for example) they may have to use an alternate logo if they wish to play matches in Germany.
According to the article they were a support group for an Osaka team that didn't like it either, so now they are banned from attending future matches.