


Manga Time Kirara 编辑部
Regarding the arson incident recently took place at Kyoto Animation, we'd like to express our painful mourning to the victims, and convey our deepest condolences to their families.
We also wish that the wounded would recover soon.
From now on, we will continue to walk along with Kyoto Animation, and support their work like we did in the past.

Houbunsha Co.,Ltd.
Manga Time Kirara Editorial Department
akiyama_mio hirasawa_yui k-on! kakifly kotobuki_tsumugi nakano_azusa pantyhose seifuku tainaka_ritsu

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I didn't got much about it, but it talks about the recent fire in the Kyoko Animation studios and some condolences.

Text in the image:
こ れ ま で も 、 こ れ か ら も 。
株 式 会 社 京 都 ア ニ メ ー シ ョ ン で の 放 火 事 件 に 関 す る 件
こ の 度 、 京 都 ア ニ メ ー シ ョ ン で 発 生 し た 放 火 事 件 に 関 し 、
お そ く な り に な ら れ た 皆 様 の ご 冥 福 を 心 よ り お 祈 り し ま す と と も に
ご 遺 族 の 皆 様 に お 悔 や み 申 し 上 げ ま す 。
ま た 、 負 傷 さ れ た 皆 様 の 一 日 も 早 い 回 を 祈 念 申 し 上 げ ま す 。
私 た ち は こ れ か ら も 、 京 都 ア ニ メ ー シ ョ ン な ら び に 同 社 の 作 品 を
変 わ ら ず 応 援 し て 参 り ま す 。
株 式 会 社 芳 文 社
ま ん が タイム さ ら ら 編 集 部

This is the automatic translation from Yandex.Translate:
"We will continue to do so.
Matters related to the fire incident in Kyoto Animation Co., Ltd.
This time, I would like to talk about the fire incident that occurred in Kyoto Animation. 、
I will pray for the sorrow of all those who have lost their lives.
I'm sorry for your loss.
In addition, I wish you all a day soon.
In the future, we will continue to provide the Kyoto Animation and the works of the Kyoto Animation Co., Ltd.
We will continue to support you.
Shiki-Kaisha hobunsha Co., Ltd.
Manga time further editing section"

Google Translate Version:
In the past and in the future.
Matters related to arson incidents at Kyoto Animation Co., Ltd.
This time, regarding the arson incident that occurred in Kyoto Animation,
I sincerely pray for the well-being of all of you
I would like to express my regrets to all the bereaved families.
I wish you all the best of the wounded times as soon as possible.
We will continue to use the Kyoto animation and the company's products.
We will support you without change.
Houbunsha Co., Ltd.
Manga Time Sarara Editing Department



Manga Time Kirara 编辑部
English version:

Till now, from now

Regarding the arson incident recently took place at Kyoto Animation, we'd like to express our painful mourning to the victims, and convey our deepest condolences to their families.
We also wish that the wounded would recover soon.
From now on, we will continue to walk along with Kyoto Animation, and support their work like we did in the past.

Houbunsha Co.,Ltd.
Manga Time Kirara Editorial Department