
inushima yukata

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This post was deleted. Reason: unapproved. MD5: 83ddf876ed3dda8008a146224469ea7c
why delete?
poor art???
mash said:
This post was deleted. Reason: unapproved. MD5: 83ddf876ed3dda8008a146224469ea7c
why delete?
poor art???
low resolution
kotorilau said:
low resolution
Nope, that's not it.
kotorilau said:
low resolution
Once it was approved and posted.
The resolution is 1.6MPixel or higher and there is no problem.
Other Similar resolution images have been approved.
Sitting in the moderator page for six day with little to no interested. Technically speaking if a picture hasn't been approved in three day it would been deleted, but can be lax as fuck at times.