
armor cg final_fantasy final_fantasy_xiii lightning square_enix sword transparent_png

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So what do you guys think about Ms. Cloud getting his own game?
A female lead worked well for the Xenosaga series. Lets hope the same goes for FFXIII.
I really want to play this one, but a PS3 is out of my reach...
Being published on PS3 and Xbox 360. You can get a cheap 360 but they have a terrible failure rate.
FFXIII's so called "female lead" is nothing more than Cloud Strife in drag.
And Lightning is her name...
I also wish i could play this... but like blooregardo a PS3 and even a lamebox 360 is out of my reach....

on a side note...
I wish i could do 3d design that well >.<
I love the idea that we get 3 FFXIII games at the same time. Only gives one problem, there wont be any time anymore for wow, anime, manga...

Nice character btw, i love how she looks in the trailers.
Radioactive said:
Being published on PS3 and Xbox 360. You can get a cheap 360 but they have a terrible failure rate.
The older ones yes, newer one's (post 2008) not so much.