This post was deleted. Reason: Minor variant. MD5: 199ea7ef95c50581aa9280b8cfd62175
This post belongs to a parent post.

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Could a mod undelete this post? I deleted it thinking it's another duplicate.
yanis said:
Could a mod undelete this post? I deleted it thinking it's another duplicate.
Done (votes also transferred).
and now its deleted again ... >_>
fireattack said:
We have post #579011 already
By that same logic I could flag & delete post #579190, post #579191, and post #579193 as well.

This post was deleted. By: fireattack Reason: Minor variant.
Also since we're on the topic, Would a change in background color or adding megane count as a minor variant or do they have enough of a impact to keep?
Mr_GT said:
By that same logic I could flag & delete post #579190, post #579191, and post #579193 as well.

Also since we're on the topic, Would a change in background color or adding megane count as a minor variant or do they have enough of a impact to keep?
I'd say no point to re-host any variants if they're available publicly on Pixiv or similar. If they're from a paid-only service, it can be more relaxed.
SeeThrough said:
and now its deleted again ... >_>
Oops!! Looks like I've misread "undelete" as "delete" :(

But since other Mods have other delete reasons, I don't think I will re-undelete it yet again (although it will still stay in the servers).