
You have won.
see_through seifuku taiga_(ryukyu-6102-8) wet wet_clothes

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Roadi said:
This feel... :D
:( poor girl ,trapped in that kind of image and feel forever D: ^^
"you have won" meaning the pop was hiding a prize. I would say that sad feel is soon to be replaced with a smile.
Genex said:
"you have won" meaning the pop was hiding a prize. I would say that sad feel is soon to be replaced with a smile.
Those are sweat actually according to the source, not tears (due to hot summer).
I see. Can't see the expression, but at first it looked like a "born loser" moment.
Genex said:
I see. Can't see the expression, but at first it looked like a "born loser" moment.
Possibly because she's nearly got "melted" under that hot sunlight.