This post was deleted. Reason: low res. MD5: 57cc9dd2f427af30f634a0d8c8d0654b

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Avoid these smaller artworks and scans, Konstargirl. This isn't danbooru.
aoie_emesai said:
Avoid these smaller artworks and scans, Konstargirl. This isn't danbooru.
Class rep =D
I think this art resolution is not huge, but the quality is not bad. it is acceptable :3
midzki said:
Class rep =D
I think this art resolution is not huge, but the quality is not bad. it is acceptable :3
Quality is great due to it being the official art, but I believe we have discussed this before too about :

Size over Quality

I have always believed Moe was for high resolution along with high quality, not low res with high quality.

It is fine, but to my belief of moe, I don't like it. I'll go to danbooru if I wanted image of this size. They have plenty of those.
There's more room for lower resolution with digital stuff--a 150 DPI digital original is a lot higher quality than a 150 DPI recovered scan.

In any case, this is on the very low borderline edge where I start deleting. (It's also not great in and of itself; it's poorly framed, with the right chopped off and a bunch of empty space on the other side, as if the cameraman tripped before taking a picture.)

A few are tolerable, but almost all of konstargirl's posts are like this. Try to limit smaller stuff to stuff you really like...
Maya Iincho being strict ;__;

Would be great if someone could shop this, making it bigger but adjusting it for the new resolution to avoid the (lol) cropping effects.
Yup. As Iincho, I bitch slap all who submit low res images.
I'm on the high quality > high resolution team.
kyoushiro said:
making it bigger
There is a special place in hell for people who try to enlarge images.
That's why I included the "shop" word :v

You know... cleaning, vectoring, whatever other technique.
kyoushiro said:
That's why I included the "shop" word :v
LOL. Stop making excuses.

The comment wasn't just aimed at you.
Dunno lol

I don't precissely like cropping pictures :P