
_summer hatano_konami rakko_(maka-rakko) seifuku wallpaper

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Next time, you don't need to post the info. Just edit the image tags.
maybe, _ isn't work.
And she is Konami, not Kanomi :P
midzki said:
maybe, _ isn't work.
It does. I'm not sure how Peto designed it, but the underscore cannot be read through the tags but it is still there. Under tag searches, you'll still have to the underscore before the summer title too (since it is still there) or you won't get exact results.
aoie_emesai said:
It does. I'm not sure how Peto designed it, but the underscore cannot be read through the tags but it is still there. Under tag searches, you'll still have to the underscore before the summer title too (since it is still there) or you won't get exact results.
I thought seaching the tag "summer" is meaningless, but the result is there ^^
aoie_emesai said:
It does. I'm not sure how Peto designed it, but the underscore cannot be read through the tags but it is still there. Under tag searches, you'll still have to the underscore before the summer title too (since it is still there) or you won't get exact results.
Underscores get replaced by spaces automatically because it's the general case. But internally it keeps the _ in all cases.
Shuugo said:
Underscores get replaced by spaces automatically because it's the general case. But internally it keeps the _ in all cases.
*bop myself on the head* :p I forgot we use the underscore function as a space market, lol ^^