
Long legs!
Slim waist!
What should I do? It's the real Shimakaze-chan here!
aka_ringo c2-chan c2_kikan crossover heels kantai_collection megane pantsu seifuku shimakaze_(kancolle) sweater thighhighs

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I don't understand Japanese but I can't help but notice the difference in design of the skirts it's something.
From right to left, it's approx.:
Oh my!
It's the real Shimakaze-chan!

Long legs!
Slim waist!

Thanks Roadi. I didn't expect anyone wanted a translation.

From Danbooru's translation:

c2chan: (c2 Staff's Twitter avatar)

What should I do? It's the real Shimakaze-chan here!

She has long legs!
A thin waist!
So cute!
Ah I see, was just wondering if it had something to do with the skirt since the comparison was so explicit when you put those side by side :D