
cleavage feet kimono kin-iro_mosaic kujou_karen minato_ojitan no_bra open_shirt pantsu skirt_lift wardrobe_malfunction

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Oh my ~ Karen always look so cute <3
(I mean in a non-sexual way btw)
Marona762 said:
Oh my ~ Karen always look so cute <3
(I mean in a non-sexual way btw)
Minato seems to be as a huge fan of Karen as Haruhisky is for Haruhi, for drawing almost only their respective favorite characters, but both draw them mostly in ecchi situations. I’d like to have more safe picture of these characters from these artists.
I'm not really bothered by "ecchi situations" as long as the character acts innocently like in this example and not trying to be seductive.

And yes Karen is a pretty nice character, I've seen TONS of cheerful-type girls in slice-of-life animes, but she really seems to have that extra charisma and positivity that put her in the front.
I did not say that because I was bothered.