
shameimaru_aya simosi touhou wallpaper

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Wow, that's just stunning. I have to admit a certain amount of envy for artists when I see something this beautiful. It must be really something to be able to create an image like this from nothing.

Interestingly, when I clicked on "simosi" to see more of this artist's work, I noticed another of my all-time favorite pics, posted way, way back: post #872. And more recently, post #57302. Any time I notice one of the pics by this artist, I can't help but just stopping and staring for a while, admiring the view (be it a gorgeous vista or a beautiful girl).

Also, I've gone ahead and marked smaller child pic as a duplicate. Hope that's appropriate.
The background detail is pretty amazing, but this is another artist who has problems with drawing their characters correctly. It can be a little distracting when the main part of the picture is 'off'

The anatomical madness can easily seen on post #60380
Radioactive said:
The anatomical madness can easily seen on post #60380
I'm curious... what's are you noticing that's 'off' in that pic? I see nothing anatomically wrong to speak of, in this or any of this artist's pics.
Right foot. It appears to be a problem with perspective.
Radioactive said:
Right foot. It appears to be a problem with perspective.
It just appears to be slightly foreshortened by an in-facing perspective to me, but it's entirely possible I'm just less discerning of these types of issues. Too bad it detracts from your enjoyment of the image, though.
dutchago said:
I'm curious... what's are you noticing that's 'off' in that pic? I see nothing anatomically wrong to speak of, in this or any of this artist's pics.
He changed his drawing style few years ago, but these elves pics were drawn by his old style.
he may hate these old pics himself, because he didn't upload them to pixiv nor his own site.
I dont know witch is more spectacular, the pic or the wordplay from
dutchago said:
It just appears to be slightly foreshortened by an in-facing perspective to me, but it's entirely possible I'm just less discerning of these types of issues. Too bad it detracts from your enjoyment of the image, though.
I dont know which is more spectacular, the pic or your wordplay...... both very nice.