
aoi_sora_no_camus game_cg kai_(company) mimasaka_hotaru pantyhose seifuku shimesaba_kohada skirt_lift

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A loud horn blares in the near distance... The terrified look on the engineer's face... In an instant it was over... The coyotes will be having tonight's meal on the tracks...dress and all.
Uhm nah this doesn't look realistically if you see noticed the water around the rails, it's unlikely there are rails literally in water-flooded land, this looks more like an artistic depiction of something more profound about rails, water and a girl in a sleeping position.
Must be something very abstract because I can't figure it out the possible meaning behind such puzzling composition, which is pretty intriguing to me o.o
Marona762 said:
Uhm nah this doesn't look realistically if you see noticed the water around the rails, it's unlikely there are rails literally in water-flooded land, this looks more like an artistic depiction of something more profound about rails, water and a girl in a sleeping position.
Must be something very abstract because I can't figure it out the possible meaning behind such puzzling composition, which is pretty intriguing to me o.o
Are... Are you serious? This looks absolutely like new zealand
The symbolism with the rails, water and the sleeping girl pertains to the visual novel in question. There's a short summary on vndb comments for it that should clarify the image for anyone interested to find out...
sacchisan said:
The symbolism with the rails, water and the sleeping girl pertains to the visual novel in question. There's a short summary on vndb comments for it that should clarify the image for anyone interested to find out...
Could you link it?
I've looked it around a bit and damn...why such innocent picture was inspired by a game with rape scenes...stupid Japan.

Edit 2:
Damn, I've had a read about the story and it does seem deep indeed, also sad / bittersweet ending from what I got...dang, now I want to read the whole thing but it's only in Japanese / Chinese =.=

It's really something that this image managed to inspire me this deep / bitter sweetness, it's a real shame that the writer of this story ended up making a random eroge novel in where most of the people are just there for the faps and obviously the rape scenes yey....why Japan, whyyyyy.