
seifuku taka_(tsmix)

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Head looks a bit small??
Maybe she wears large clothes that makes her body look bigger?
Also anime style usually draws way bigger heads than normal maybe we're not used anymore to normal proportions in anime lol
Head isn't an issue, it's just a more 'realistic' proportion than we're used to. What irks me more is her clothes gives the impression she sits straight, however for the thighs make sense she must be sitting closer to the edge of the chair and slouching pretty badly...
Marona762 said:
Maybe she wears large clothes that makes her body look bigger?
Also anime style usually draws way bigger heads than normal maybe we're not used anymore to normal proportions in anime lol
sacchisan said:
Head isn't an issue, it's just a more 'realistic' proportion than we're used to. What irks me more is her clothes gives the impression she sits straight, however for the thighs make sense she must be sitting closer to the edge of the chair and slouching pretty badly...
Good points from both of you 👍