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And why should we replace them with an other language? Makes no sense.
Doesn't even looks like a Chinese translation given the text below. Also post #609587 lack any text so it's hard to say if it came from the same source as this.
Not chinese? Okay, what is it then?
Yeah was wondering too, where post #609587 comes from. Maybe an edit per photoshop?
Look carrefuly at the section of the kiyoe post, personally I have already done this many times and I can confirm that I only edit of your post by deleting the text, if it's a detexted image it makes no sense to delete the original
Okay so post #610367 is the actually Japanese translation, and this is the Chinese one. The two language looks roughly the same to me so I apologize for the mistake. Regrettably this means that Kiyoe made had been right.
Why replace the one language with another? Does it really matter?
Well in the past the original language > other language translation, although if you think about it it feel like that would apply only to cover pages and/or pages with a lot of text. In the case like this, it debatable on whenever the text matters to the picture overall quality. The text is in the bottom corner and Kiyoe already posted a detexted of it so...does the translation "rule" still apply?
Ah okay. That's why. I'm sorry for my comment before, Kiyoe.
Well dunno, maybe ask some of the other mods.
Did you flagged it again after a mod deleted your flag? Come on.
Guess the childish behavior comment earlier was appropriated...
Why do you think he got -12 negative records? he was lucky that his account was accidentally deleted and they got lost or it would be more now.. sometimes I don't understand why they never banned him at least for a while, even Radioactive suggested it in the past
I wonder why he had upload it anyway with the text when he had already uploaded a version without it.
I just removed that detexted version too.

We don't need or want to encourage uploading these trivially detexted versions (keyword being "trivial", as the text is very minimal and anyone can do it themselves in seconds), otherwise users would upload tons of duplicates of pictures from Magami or similar (and it has happened before).