
banishment landscape wallpaper

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There's GPS data in this image file, it points at Ibusuki in the Kagoshima prefecture
...and it also says it was taken with an iPhone 6.

Wait, what?
Marona762 said:
There's GPS data in this image file, it points at Ibusuki in the Kagoshima prefecture
...and it also says it was taken with an iPhone 6.

Wait, what?
Which part of what you said exists problems?

Do you mean the drawing is actually a retouched photo?
If you look at Google Street view, it's not an exact copy. Seems to me the photo was a reference for the drawing, maybe on a separate layer and the metadata transferred over to the final.

Just my theory.
Yeah, other than GPS data, the image contains data related to how the supposed photo was taken, too (e.g. aperture).

One may go to here to view those data if they don't want to install software just for that single purpose:
Well, he could have used a filter. Also look at the other images in the series. They look more like photos than the landscape one.

What remains is does it pass?
moonian said:
Do you mean the drawing is actually a retouched photo?