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If you look at Google Street view, it's not an exact copy. Seems to me the photo was a reference for the drawing, maybe on a separate layer and the metadata transferred over to the final.
about 5 years ago(,130.5883167)
...and it also says it was taken with an iPhone 6.
Wait, what?
about 5 years agoDo you mean the drawing is actually a retouched photo?
about 5 years agoJust my theory.
about 5 years ago,130.5881284,3a,35.1y,65.81h,94.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJvWne9_5LjtXGnzKNdvsew!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
about 5 years agoOne may go to here to view those data if they don't want to install software just for that single purpose:
about 5 years agoWhat remains is does it pass?
about 5 years ago