
eagle_(girly_air_force) girly_air_force heels toosaka_asagi uniform

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Doesn't look like at all to me.
fireattack said:
Doesn't look like at all to me.
OK, thanks for verifying.
moonian said:
OK, thanks for verifying.
if the blurriness is what you're concerned, it's likely a scan (uploader RICO740 is a veteran contributor here and somewhere else) instead digital version, so that's why it's not as sharp.
fireattack said:
if the blurriness is what you're concerned, it's likely a scan (uploader RICO740 is a veteran contributor here and somewhere else) instead digital version, so that's why it's not as sharp.
Nope, what I concerned was, the sources the uploader got these images from might have already upscaled (i.e. not uploader's own fault).