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Two things, about metaseries/franchises and the mecha tag:
1. How do franchises like Gundam and Macross work? Sometimes they get tagged with the franchise name in addition to the normal series, half the time not. Should we implicate them like Danbooru does?

2. The mecha tag is used when there is only a mecha in the image, and occasionally when they are featured prominently with characters. In the future, should I apply the tag to the second case? Also, we're not tagging the models of the mechas, are we?
Aurelia said:
Two things, about metaseries/franchises and the mecha tag:
1. How do franchises like Gundam and Macross work? Sometimes they get tagged with the franchise name in addition to the normal series, half the time not. Should we implicate them like Danbooru does?

2. The mecha tag is used when there is only a mecha in the image, and occasionally when they are featured prominently with characters. In the future, should I apply the tag to the second case? Also, we're not tagging the models of the mechas, are we?
1. I'm not sure, maybe someone else wants to weigh in? However I know the Nanoha series has implications setup, so I think we should follow the same and setup implications for other series.

2. I dont think model names are necessary but if someone wants to tag them feel free...
As for #2, it's more helpful to tag any image predominantly featuring mecha (even if it has characters) with the mecha tag. It makes searching for mecha related images much easier. If it was used just for mecha-only images, the tag wouldn't be used much at all.
1. I really dislike implying the franchise tag in those cases, but it helps out putting everything together. Though it's really confusing since most of the time there is a sole series with the franchise name. It would be great if franchises got their own category.
1. Implications could work here. Can you import them from Danbooru?

2. Velen has the right approach. Only needs a mecha tag if the image predominantly features mecha. Nothing stopping people from tagging the mecha model, but I'm not sure how useful that tag would be.
Radioactive said:
Nothing stopping people from tagging the mecha model
Excuse me, in that case tha tag should be put as character?
or it is about the appearance in the anime or so..
Sorry. Do you mean we should treat mecha models as character tags?
Yep, that's my doubt. i mean, they're not alive.
Wonder how do the other *booru sites deal with this kind of tagging?

I wouldn't not bother with character tags just for mecha though.
I suggested implications for Gundam, Final Fantasy and Macross. Any others?
Danbooru uses character tags for mecha names. For example,

Since mecha images aren't as common on moe, I don't personally see it being very useful to tag the names. I was looking for a specific Gurren Lagann image before and all I could remember was it had Yoko and Gurren Lagann in the background. Just searching for GL+mecha helped me find the image right away; it wouldn't have mattered if GL's name was tagged since I only had two pages to search through (three pages for Gundam 00 and three for Code Geass.)

Of course, that's only an example, but tags are there to help properly categorize images and make it easier for the searcher to find what he's looking for, right? Tagging the mecha names probably wouldn't make finding specific images easier, so I don't see it being very useful.

For implications, I'll suggest the Fate/* franchise. Zero and Ataraxia are usually tagged with Stay Night anyway, so this should make it easier.
Agreeing fully with Velen, it's not needed to tag every single model with the current count of mecha pictures.

Aurelia said:
I suggested implications for Gundam, Final Fantasy and Macross. Any others?
Final Fantasy needs this, badly. Also the Tales (of) series, maybe?
I've approved the implications that were submitted (btw mods can approve them too)
I can approve aliases but not implications.
Lua said:
Agreeing fully with Velen, it's not needed to tag every single model with the current count of mecha pictures.

Final Fantasy needs this, badly. Also the Tales (of) series, maybe?
Implicate to "tales" or "tales_of"?
"tales_of" sounds more accurate. By the way, should Final Fantasy be implied to Final Fantasy Unlimited?
No, it would be too confusing. admin2 already approved "final_fantasy" and it applies to the whole franchise, not just the anime. Besides, I only suggested them if they had 10 or more posts with the tag. Otherwise I just tagged it myself. I checked through Danbooru's list of implications, and I think I got all of the ones that apply to us here.