
azur_lane bra bremerton_(azur_lane) feet jpeg_artifacts see_through skirt_lift tennis ursica wet wet_clothes

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God damn this character is super popular, and I mean it in a more "everyone made a mad dash towards" kind of way.
Isn't it always like that, when a character is new? Feels like every artist is drawing them.
True and it can equally overwhelming and annoying (especially if the character isn't your tea of cup)
meh this happens only with the new characters with little clothes and huge boobs, the current event of azur lane has 7 new characters but they only draw Bremerton from what I said before, Intrepid is supposed to be more important in the history but nobody cares because she isn't half-naked and doesn't have big tits, only sees danbooru.. she barely has 13 drawings, it's always the same, no matter how cool or useful in gameplay a character is, nobody cares about drawing them if they aren't lewd
And Yostar knows that and perhaps figures it might get some of that audience to take interest in the game.

Of course it can backfire and there's a flood as happened with Poolside Zara.
Genex said:
Of course it can backfire and there's a flood as happened with Poolside Zara.
What exactly "backfired" in regards to Zara? Did it cause people to not be interested in the game?
I can't help but think a overfocus on one character would ruin it for some. I'm more into images than games,but it would seem that way to me. No data to that thought, just opinion.
Meh, they - like every franchise above a certain level of popularity - slowly want to break away from appealing to lolicons too, so they're doing things like these. It's obvious even now that current fans are 90%+ big birl (in a MILF-artist-design way). The anime was pretty much almost only Enterprise+Belfast, with little anything else too.
yes and things like that happened by drawing them so much or by the popularity poll they did a year ago, with those things Yostar knows who "sells" and gives them more priority over other things, I like Belfast and Enterprise but the protagonism they were given in the anime was unbearable, they left out many characters to focus only on them
It's quite baffling for example how Nagato, by title leader of Sakura Empire never had even a minute total screentime, despite consistently ranking in top 3 on JP popularity polls.