
garter noah_channel noah_elixia pantsu trap yoshida_iyo

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Cute. I can't believe this is trap.
Don't know the character. The artist claimed it as trap on Pixiv. And yeah he is cute and for me I don't care about the gender.
Oh,I see. It says virtual YouTuber character.Thank you.
hiroimo2 said:
Cute. I can't believe this is trap.
The image doesn't have any hints of masculinity. It's a girl if you disregard the background completely.
Thorcsf said:
The image doesn't have any hints of masculinity. It's a girl if you disregard the background completely.
I'd dare to say that description covers like 80% of all "trap" characters.
That is, they are drawn exactly like females but have that unpleasant label added to them afterwards.
Oh, so much good art ruined by that damned label. T_T
Roadi said:
Oh, so much good art ruined by that damned label. T_T
Ignore the tag then, and keep the image as if it's female. :P
Thorcsf said:
Ignore the tag then, and keep the image as if it's female. :P
Easier said than done, unfortunately. :/
That's why I never trust tsurime.
My trap radar almost always catches traps.