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Please merge two images into a 32-bit PNG file with Alpha.
This isn't really a request board, though I guess there's no harm in it. But I'm not sure it's clear what you want...
petopeto said:
This isn't really a request board, though I guess there's no harm in it. But I'm not sure it's clear what you want...
The adjacent post contains only a logo which seems to belong to this post...
It is shuttlecock, not logo...

The creator divided the image into two parts for 4mb limited, but I do not know how to save PNG' Alpha for merging.
hirotn, if you made a topic how to manage 32bit PNG on forum, there are many guys who tells you happily that, and it'll good for you too ;)
midzki said:
hirotn, if you made a topic how to manage 32bit PNG on forum, there are many guys who tells you happily that, and it'll good for you too ;)
Later, I found a way can do it. Still thank you for your suggestion.