
dress fujimori_ao mecha_musume wallpaper

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Artist’s tag should not be “fujimori_ao” instead of “ao_fujimori”?
Trit said:
Artist’s tag should not be “fujimori_ao” instead of “ao_fujimori”?
Nope, it's correct as it is. Did a quick check on her pixiv and twitter and they both say AO FUJIMORI, in capitals.
Ikuragi said:
Nope, it's correct as it is. Did a quick check on her pixiv and twitter and they both say AO FUJIMORI, in capitals.
Nope - the convention here is that a tag should follow how the name is pronounced in its original language but NOT anything else.

Since the artist has the kanji name "藤森蒼" as their original name, the tag should be “fujimori_ao” instead.