This post was deleted. Reason: bad vector, etc. MD5: 941dfad26c1f7bfbc32e0fb6786965ca

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Nope. No chance in hell is this a vector :p
No, etchietchikun85 is right. I'm looking at the image right now in Sakurazawa's artbook and it's completely different (much more simplified, different color scheme, huge detail lost, etc.) This version really sucks compared to the original.

Nice catch, etchi.
*shrug* doesn't matter, it doesn't look like one and unless you happen to have the artbook to compare it's not like most people would even notice... or care.
Well, it's a nice vector anyway, even if I don't particularly like the original artist's work.
Look in the bottom right corner...

Thanks for bringing it to my attention, I'll be deleting it later. User created wallpapers are not what we want here.
Radiosity said:
*shrug* doesn't matter, it doesn't look like one and unless you happen to have the artbook to compare it's not like most people would even notice... or care.
Looks like you are the only one who doesn't.

I'm glad this is getting deleted. It's so disrespectful to paint over someone's work and claim it as your own. That includes artists I'm not a fan of.