
censored cum fellatio matsuryuu naked penis wet

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So hot, but the censorship kind of ruins it. :( Not that I wanted to see the guy's member, but it's easier to imagine mine there if I can see them licking it properly.
Is the fanbox ver uncensored, or this artist only makes censored ones?
Fanbox is part of Pixiv. Anything submitted there is required to be censored.
Not true. There are some fanbox rewards that are uncensored. Like kase_daiki images.
I see. Pity the mosaic is too destructive, makes it hard to attempt any edit/decensor.
I genuinely wonder why Japan has a censorship law like that?
BattlequeenYume said:
Not true. There are some fanbox rewards that are uncensored. Like kase_daiki images.
That is until Pixiv catches up or it's reported. This is what your Fanbox link shows now.

Check that link again:

The 1000 yen Photoshop files might be the exception.
mattiasc02 said:
I genuinely wonder why Japan has a censorship law like that?
This should explain it:
This image tempts me to try a shop ^.^
mattiasc02 said:
I genuinely wonder why Japan has a censorship law like that?
Stupidest law ever! :( I think they call it "obscenity law", but a sex act scene stops being obscene if the genitals/penetration are censored? No. The censorship does not make an obscene scene/act not obscene anymore or safe, it just impairs it. Also I wonder why they think they really need to "protect" people from obscenity; the target audience are adults, for God's sake! They will see an unobstructed genitalia other than their own when they have sex! Besides, Japanese people can easily have access to uncensored explicit scenes/pictures through the internet from outside of Japan.

I hope that they eventually see reason some day and abandon this stupid law, for the happiness of all mankind that loves Japanese porn/erotica! XD Although I think it's an unlikely subject to see discussed/reviewed in the parliament. :(

Genex said:
That is until Pixiv catches up or it's reported.
That is true. It's like on Pixiv's main site, although it's forbidden, sometimes you see an uncensored work, and they will stay there if Pixiv doesn't discover it or it's reported. There are a few uncensored works even on Sayori's (NEKOPARA's artist) Fanbox. XD But I think they can't control works that are sent by PM, so rewards that are delivered this way may be uncensored.

Darkthought75 said:
This image tempts me to try a shop ^.^
Please, do. I encourage you! XD