This post has child posts. (post #673172, 673173)

animal_ears bikini megane open_shirt swimsuits tail tokuno_yuika umbrella

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The explicit rating you use to 95 percent of the time is for sexual interacts and fluits. What you should select is the *safe* one.
BattlequeenYume said:
The explicit rating you use to 95 percent of the time is for sexual interacts and fluits. What you should select is the *safe* one.
thx for tips^v^now i knowed
BattlequeenYume said:
The explicit rating you use to 95 percent of the time is for sexual interacts and fluits. What you should select is the *safe* one.
the rating is use for NSFW right? i used to thought it was whether sure of the sourcelol
736514522 said:
the rating is use for NSFW right? i used to thought it was whether sure of the sourcelol
For how to properly Rate posts, please refer to this wiki page: howto:rate