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I tried several online OCR sites to extract japanese text and couldn't extract this pretty clear one...I don't get how we have image recognition that can tell a cat from a giraffe but still OCR recognition for kanji sucks this bad :X
Marona762 said:
I tried several online OCR sites to extract japanese text and couldn't extract this pretty clear one...I don't get how we have image recognition that can tell a cat from a giraffe but still OCR recognition for kanji sucks this bad :X
This one looks good: (it can even recognise vertical text, too!)

(Crop the image to become having those texts only first)
Yep that's one of those I tried, yes I cropped the image only to take the text part and still didn't recognize almost any character
Marona762 said:
Yep that's one of those I tried, yes I cropped the image only to take the text part and still didn't recognize almost any character
Hmm, that's strange... did you save the cropped image to PNG format? Saving it as JPG (same as source's format) may further deteriorate the image's quality.
Yep PNG format, you can try it yourself you don't believe me :D

I used Google Translate from my phone, using the photo function (you point your phone camera to a text and it translates it)

And this appeared:

"Commander, still more shopping from now on"

Whatever that means
Marona762 said:
Yep PNG format, you can try it yourself you don't believe me :D
I tried the website mentioned above with what I said above with this image, and they can be recognised successfully.

Not sure about other images, though.
"Le commander nous couvre toujours de cadeaux" en français
"The commander is still shopping for us" in english -->french "Le commander est toujours en train de nous acheter [quelque chose]"

Translaters are sometime funny ^^

“Le commandant nous couvre toujours de cadeaux”

“Commander” [kɔmɑ̃de] = “to command”