This post has child posts. (post #73080, 253630, 253631)

cameltoe erect_nipples kazami_haruki kazami_jinguu maebari naked pasties

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I'll make this textless and replace it later (maybe tomorrow). but if someone make it, I appreciate it :)
Im a Artist,Lesbian Too. I Like the Syle,But The Censored is Something That I Dont Understand in Japaneses.
cant see anything censored here
I guess she is talking about the stickers that are covering stuff up. That's not censorship.
vistigris said:
That's not censorship.
as i was saying
Leticia said:
Im a Artist,Lesbian Too. I Like the Syle,But The Censored is Something That I Dont Understand in Japaneses.
Blame america. They could've removed the stupid censorship laws when they did all their other stuff after the pacific war, but didn't. Though I've said it before and will likely say it again, censorship is both a blessing and a curse. I've seen some uncensored stuff (licensed eroge for example) that were so terrible I've actually gone and got the censored cgs from share instead. But then I've seen some really nice uncensored photoshops as well so it 'can' be nice to have stuff uncensored, if it's done well.
I think the stickers are actually a nice touch, it makes it more interesting.
Radiosity said:
Though I've said it before and will likely say it again, censorship is both a blessing and a curse. I've seen some uncensored stuff (licensed eroge for example) that were so terrible I've actually gone and got the censored cgs from share instead. But then I've seen some really nice uncensored photoshops as well so it 'can' be nice to have stuff uncensored, if it's done well.
it also could be that some artists don't even bother to make great looking pussies if they know that they're gonna get censored anyway, I probably wouldn't if I were an ero artist in Japan
Thread resurrect ftw. And yeah, some are most likely not bothering because they know it'll be censored, but it's equally true that a lot of people simply fail at drawing convincing genitals. Take a look at most uncensored erogames (ie, American licensed releases), the genitals look like something out of a horror movie ;p
I still can't figure out what the left sticker says, "-uch here"
Atys said:
I still can't figure out what the left sticker says, "-uch here"
"touch here" maybe?