
feet garter maeshimashi pantsu seifuku skirt_lift tentacles

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Yeah, that's a bit creepy.

Edit: Feels like that these tentacles belongs to her and not that the tentacles wanna do it to her. That's why I think that the q rating is okay. Or did the artist wrote something to explain?
That's one bad yeast infection.
Description in DLSite:

Arsy said:
Description in DLSite:
Looks like she uses tentacles as a replacement of vibrators - more variations, more uncertainties.
ngl, a girl whos vagina is made of tongues would very likely be a lot of fun.
sex and bj at the same time.
Moon didn't changed it to e rating.
But "she uses tentacles as a replacement of vibrators", that's mean she masturbation, right? masturbation rating "e".
BattlequeenYume said:
Moon didn't changed it to e rating.
Arsy said:
But "she uses tentacles as a replacement of vibrators", that's mean she masturbation, right? masturbation rating "e".
This is actually a borderline case - the masturbation I mentioned is what the main topic of the audio work behind this image is, but in this image itself, there're no apparent masturbation actions can be seen (and her pussy is also blocked from view) - unless you consider that "seemingly breast-grabbing" actions and "that fluid = pussy juice/secretions from the tentacles" as Explicit stuff.
moonian said:
This is actually a borderline case - the masturbation I mentioned is what the main topic of the audio work behind this image is, but in this image itself, there're no apparent masturbation actions can be seen (and her pussy is also blocked from view) - unless you consider that "seemingly breast-grabbing" actions and "that fluid = pussy juice/secretions from the tentacles" as Explicit stuff.
Ah, I see...
I learn something new.