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:O..... im staying out of this one....
Poor Sakura, that's no way to treat her ;_;
Is it just me or does Sakura get the short end of the stick all the time?
otakuamer said:
Is it just me or does Sakura get the short end of the stick all the time?
All popular anime girls do (even a lot of the not-so-popular ones as well). Many doujins are basically an excuse to rape the popular girls in a series by anyone and everyone. Not criticizing, just pointing out it's true. I remember thinking that one CCS H doujin in particular should have been entitled "Everyone Rapes Sakura-chan". o(>< )o o( ><)o

That's a large part of why doujins that have good stories, or really exceptional art, or something creatively funny (like the infamous "a cat is fine too" one) become so popular. They're not just the same old stuff recycled by different artists and people respond to that, and remember them for it. ( ̄~ ̄;)
Manabi said:
All popular anime girls do (even a lot of the not-so-popular ones as well). Many doujins are basically an excuse to rape the popular girls in a series by anyone and everyone or anything. Not criticizing, just pointing out it's true.
Fixed that.