
crossover ga-rei_zero horiguchi_yukiko horiuchi_osamu isayama_yomi izumi_konata lucky_star nagato_yuki nishiya_futoshi seifuku suzumiya_haruhi suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu tsuchimiya_kagura

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Haruhi and Yuki look awesome~
somehow, haruhi reminds me of K-ON... dont like that :|
guess kyoani's art direction seems to be headed that way. original haruhi was quite angular and sharp, now it looks softer.
I can't say I dislike K-ON art but don't fit Haruhi, maybe it is Yui cosplaying Haruhi? They have almost same eye colours too.
It could just be that particular artist's way of drawing Haruhi and it was let through when perhaps it shouldn't have been. It still definitely looks like Haruhi. It's just that she's been K-ONized a bit. I could be wrong, but I'd expect that whenever they get around to the next season of Haruhi, she'll look basically the same as she always has. The artist probably just wasn't careful enough for this pic.
Imbir said:
I can't say I dislike K-ON art but don't fit Haruhi, maybe it is Yui cosplaying Haruhi? They have almost same eye colours too.
hehe is not Yui, I can bet that.
yeah it could be a change in art direction, but is not a bad one.