This post was deleted. Reason: banned artist. MD5: 8f5f0f3c5d71c3ebd6e5da39cda3a667

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Unfortunately you have to delete this.
We're banning artists that banned in danbooru?
We banned artist who contact a admin from us and wants the removal of their art.
This artist wasn't on the list.
"General: banned artist
Artists/copyrights that are banned at Danbooru are also banned here. For now, this includes:

Midori Foo
If you upload a post by that artist, this tag should appear, and you should delete your post and notify a mod to request double deletion. It won't count against you unless you purposely spam a banned artist's works."
Well this artist is quite long banned know. And the banned_artist tag appears, when you add the artist tag.
Then we need to update the banned artist list.
BTW I don't see we're following danbooru list too.