This post has a child post. (post #714669)

3.14 animal_ears ass bra cameltoe girls_frontline heterochromia mk_23_(girls_frontline) pantsu seifuku skirt_lift tail

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Is this related with post #478757 in any way?
Does look a little suspicious.
Yeah bc this pose was never ever drawn before.
It's quite possible he was influenced by it but I would expect many images out there with similar poses.

At least it's not a blatant copy.
Radioactive said:
It's quite possible he was influenced by it but I would expect many images out there with similar poses.

At least it's not a blatant copy.
Yes, that's why I asked if it was related. At first, I also thought it'd be a copy but then I believed in a more positive way the artist was influenced by it. Maybe he liked it so much he considered it fitted with this character.

Whatever his intention was will be a mystery.
only soo many sexy poses to choose from. especially with these body pillow formats.