
areola bike_shorts cameltoe erect_nipples hitachi_mako maijin no_bra open_shirt seifuku senren_banka

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Don't add yuzu-soft because it's not official art but doujin.
BattlequeenYume said:
And you SHOULD have tagged official Circle tag (as well as the game_cg tag itself) to game CGs like this one: post #715276
Danbooru (where I got it) didn't tag it with a circle. So I couldn't know.
Edit: Okay, got the tag from us.
BattlequeenYume said:
Danbooru (where I got it) didn't tag it with a circle. So I couldn't know.
You could have got it from the very first image of this work by clicking the Copyright tag and then locating the work's very first image uploaded here, i.e. post #665612
BattlequeenYume said:
Look at my edit.
Noted :D