
« Previous Next » This post is #17 in the AILU vol.12 pool.

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From date:2021-01-10 and date:2021-01-11 user:drop
These posts seems to be I'L vol.11... Someone go to pool it?
Helps a lot. I should find a time to pool them up.
Pooling them is extremely easy and won't take you more than 1 minute. I used to do lots of similar maintenance work here, unfortunately, I don't as much free time as I used to. If you guys are interested, it would be very helpful to just do it yourselves instead of asking. Below is a step by step tutorial about how to pooling posts quickly.

1. First refine your search query so only the posts in interest are shown. In this case, I use

date:2021-01-10..2021-01-15 user:drop order:id id:729378...

Make sure to include order:id so they are in ascending order (this way, when you add them to the pool they will be in the correct order instead of reverse).

2. Then use the "Apply tag script" option on the left (if you didn't see it, go to your settings and enable Advanced Editing).

3. Now, type "pool:xxx" as tag. You can create the pool first and use the number here, or just use the name (if non-exist, it would be created automatically). I typically would use a temporary name without space in it.

4. Apply it to all the posts by clicking the link below the text area. If there are too many posts, either add "limit:xxx" in your query so they all show up in one page, or just go to the next page(s) and click again.

5. Once done, go find your pool and edit the name, description etc to the proper one.

This is a quick video to show it:

If there any other areas/tasks about maintaining this site that anyone is interested, feel free to ask. We are seriously lack of volunteers since.. forever.
fireattack said:
Pooling them is extremely easy and won't take you more than 1 minute. I used to do lots of similar maintenance work here, unfortunately, I don't as much free time as I used to. If you guys are interested, it would be very helpful to just do it yourselves instead of asking. Below is a step by step tutorial about how to pooling posts quickly.

1. First refine your search query so only the posts in interest are shown. In this case, I use

date:2021-01-10..2021-01-15 user:drop order:id id:729378...

Make sure to include order:id so they are in ascending order (this way, when you add them to the pool they will be in the correct order instead of reverse).

2. Then use the "Apply tag script" option on the left (if you didn't see it, go to your settings and enable Advanced Editing).

3. Now, type "pool:xxx" as tag. You can create the pool first and use the number here, or just use the name (if non-exist, it would be created automatically). I typically would use a temporary name without space in it.

4. Apply it to all the posts by clicking the link below the text area. If there are too many posts, either add "limit:xxx" in your query so they all show up in one page, or just go to the next page(s) and click again.

5. Once done, go find your pool and edit the name, description etc to the proper one.

This is a quick video to show it:

If there any other areas/tasks about maintaining this site that anyone is interested, feel free to ask. We are seriously lack of volunteers since.. forever.
user:drop order:id id:729378..732121
Hmm... much better
I will make this gallery(EH) public soon.
fireattack said
Ahh...... it does increase the effeciency. I'll try my best.