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I think this is Marisa so I'll tag it. Correct it if I'm wrong.
Hey Midzki. Did you type that on Google? If so how? I only have an English keyboard (If it's even called an English keyboard).

The link...Is everything there in Japanese? If browser isn't displaying the right Unicode.
Every Japanese sites are using shift-jis not unicode.
if auto-encode detection on your browser couldn't work, set it manually.

NinthAltima said:
Hey Midzki. Did you type that on Google? If so how? I only have an English keyboard (If it's even called an English keyboard).
I don't know how to get non-Japanese Keyboard in my country :P
Actually, that's EUC-JP, another obsolete encoding.
And to keyin Japanese, a 101-Key-Keyboard with Ja-IME is OK.
Come to think of it, I'm only using roman input way. so I don't need Japanese keyboard =D
Shit-JIS needs to go away already, along with all the others.
Hmm.....shift-jis......EUC-JP.....I just assumed it was some code or something.

As for Roman input...................