
azur_lane evin seifuku sweater unicorn_(azur_lane)

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Awww Unicorn always cute ~ also got her as drop in stage 4-4 today, lucky me o.o
KuroKnives said:
Don't know her, but I agree. She is very cute. Almost makes me want to get into Azur Lane.
Then get into it now! You will not regret.
KuroKnives said:
It does seem like a fun game, so I'll consider it.
Yeah, you're right. In fact its gaming interactivity is not very high, so might be a little boring (especially during later stage among whole game).

KuroKnives said:
That's fine,I believe the cute girls would make up for it. Could always use more of that in my life.
I suggest against getting into the game, especially if you like smaller ships.
It's really all about big women lately, and only they get lewded for a while now, because game got a bit too popular, so no "creepy content" anymore.
Arknovalisk said:
I suggest against getting into the game, especially if you like smaller ships.
It's really all about big women lately, and only they get lewded for a while now, because game got a bit too popular, so no "creepy content" anymore.
Not "creepy content", I'm just showing my love to this game
And you say It's really all about big women, but I can see a lot of smaller and cute ships. The shape of thing depends on the way you look upon it, if you think it's all about lewd, then it is. But others may not only thinking in this way .
Arknovalisk said:
I suggest against getting into the game, especially if you like smaller ships.
It's really all about big women lately, and only they get lewded for a while now, because game got a bit too popular, so no "creepy content" anymore.
Wait a sec, what "creepy content" was there? did I missed something o.o?
Marona762 said:
Wait a sec, what "creepy content" was there? did I missed something o.o?
Me 2......
Arknovalisk said:
Anything lolicon.
Well that's quite generic / vague.
Marona762 said:
Well that's quite generic / vague.
They don't sexualize lolis anymore. There.