This post was deleted. Reason: third-party created wallpaper from upscaled official image. MD5: 305dd28e0c81ee1bf417cefcf5f41c56
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All the images of that pixiv are upscaled and that isn't the name of the artist, it's the person who edited the images
Nepcoheart said:
All the images of that pixiv are upscaled and that isn't the name of the artist, it's the person who edited the images
Do you have the sources of their original versions?

P.S. Changed that "artist"'s tag's type to General for now. Basically they are images extracted from the apk, it's almost the same as extracting the cg of a visual novel
Nepcoheart said: Basically they are images extracted from the apk, it's almost the same as extracting the cg of a visual novel
Ah thanks! All of them now removed.