
akamoku seifuku valentine

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@Trit If you don’t know the correct artist tag, please don’t create a new artist tag at will,That will cause a lot of trouble for the people who modify the tag,Unless you can’t find the artist tag on the site through various means.Or you can use tagme tag.
Well, I just typed what SauceNAO said when I searched for the source, and it said “あかもく”, so it was “Akamoku” for me, not “Curcumin”.
Trit said:
Well, I just typed what SauceNAO said when I searched for the source, and it said “あかもく”, so it was “Akamoku” for me, not “Curcumin”.
I just used あかもく to search for the artist tag in the site,it gives me curcumin, so curcumin is the artist tag,If this does not work, I will use other methods.