
guitar hirasawa_ui hirasawa_yui k-on! pentagon_(railgun_ky1206) seifuku

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Ohhhh... this is clearly inspired by an actual scene in the anime where yui forgets one of her gloves and her sister helps her warming her hands... while they also share the skarf because I can't remember if she forgot that too or what.

It's like... if this scene doesn't give you diabetes from all the sweetness, then I don't know what else could.
Marona762 said:
It's like... if this scene doesn't give you diabetes from all the sweetness, then I don't know what else could.
Ui’s birthday cake? Because it’s her birthday, today (22/2/2021).
Trit said:
Ui’s birthday cake? Because it’s her birthday, today (22/2/2021).
Oh I was talking about figurative sweetness and happy birthday Ui ~