
« Previous Next » This post is #16 in the Megami #251 2021-04 pool.

fujimiya_konomi furukawa_hideki ichijou_hotaru non_non_biyori pajama thighhighs

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To this day, I still remember my grandmother. She lived in a secluded village much like the one presented in Non Non Biyori, with a scenery as refreshing and air as fresh as can be.
In the mornings, she would get up early, make herself one cup of coffee and one cup of hot cocoa without fail; it was her daily routine.
And then she, even at her advanced age, started a very demanding day of work - cleaning the house alone, making delicious food, tending to the garden and feeding/cleaning after animals. And if you ever asked at the end of her hard day at work: "Why are you doing all this?" she would reply "Because I enjoy it."
Do you get the picture now?
...even she wore more attractive clothing than this supposedly appealing illustration...
Arknovalisk said:
...even she wore more attractive clothing than this supposedly appealing illustration...
Uhm dude what's wrong with non-attractive clothing especially when we're talking about minors anyway?
Also to me this clothing it's pretty appealing thx
Marona762 said:
Uhm dude what's wrong with non-attractive clothing especially when we're talking about minors anyway?
Also to me this clothing it's pretty appealing thx
"Minors anyway"
So, like 95% of all anime girls? For your info Hotaru is bigger than an average adult woman, and Konomi is high schooler.
And what's the problem? THe problem is Megami Magazine used to do attractive illustrations.
Arknovalisk said:
"Minors anyway"
So, like 95% of all anime girls?

Arknovalisk said: For your info Hotaru is bigger than an average adult woman, and Konomi is high schooler.
I know, I watched the anime, the size doesn't matter tho they're still minors.

Arknovalisk said:
And what's the problem? THe problem is Megami Magazine used to do attractive illustrations.
Well I suppose that can be disappointing to someone.
(And I am not trying to picking on you if you feel this way)