
kojima_ayami male yaoi

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I always asked me if it was a girl of a boy, now I know it's a boy because this pic was in a yaoi artbook
Nice *¬*

But... this has to be tagged as yaoi, right?
Em... I mean.. the man under him is doing XXX things
Osikaa said:
Em... I mean.. the severed head under him is doing XXX things
Fixed that for you.
yes it's tru i'm going to tag it ^^
o my, i love this kind of art, any one knows where i can get more scans? or even the artbook??
no artbook but here is a sie where you can find some kojima's artworks
keri-sama said:
no artbook but here is a sie where you can find some kojima's artworks
thank you man!
Oh lord, it's a severed head.