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I can't get enough of this Anime! It's the perfect balance of ecchi, comedy, and story!
dragoon said:
I can't get enough of this Anime! It's the perfect balance of ecchi, comedy, and story!
Definitely. From what I've seen thus far, it has a much better balance of its various story elements than most shows of its kind. It all just fits together so well. Keeping such a balance is hard, but they have it right now and these shows rarely do. Hopefully they keep it.

One of its key selling points in comparison to most such shows though (for me at least) is that the main character is neither a major pervert nor a total wimp - he's not even a normally wimpy guy who shows major backbone when it counts. He's a much better balanced character than that. He's not only quite likable, but he's actually as interesting as the girls at this point - in some ways, even more so. Who knows if it will stay this good all the way through, but I definitely recommend it from what I've see thus far. It definitely stands out from the other shows of its kind.
Even I have to say it's a good anime so far from the 4 eps that are out.

It passes my harsh judgements, go watch it now ^^

-ps: I still think Cross Game is the best anime this year. IMO